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Dr. Tzu-Kang Sang  

Hi, I'm TK. Welcome to visit Sang's lab. 

Our group is trying to understand how different level of biological entities could maintain homeostasis and function. We always welcome motivated students to join our exploration. 

我們竭誠歡迎對神經科學及神經退化性疾病相關研究有興趣的學生加入我們的研究團隊, 與我們一起探索科學,發現科學, 玩科學​!

Dopamine Probe
Our Projects

Our researches feature two central themes:

  1. To determine the function of neurodegeneration-associated genes in physiological condition, and to interrogate the impacts upon their dysfunction.

  2. To decode functional circuits in the brain for sensing and responding to stimuli. We mainly use fruit fly as our animal model because this little insect has a plentiful of genetic tools for manipulation. And we do believe that genetic analysis provides the most compelling evidence for biomedical research. Please find more information by checking our current projects list below. 

ER Stress and Apoptosis
Tauopathy pathogenesis
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