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Utilization of shield effect for dopamine detection

Dopamine (DA) is a neurotransmitter for regulating many motor and cognitive functions. The homeostasis of dopamine is thus vital for the nervous system. To explore dopamine circuits, we aim to develop a probe that could visualize the dopamine dynamics in the fly brain. We generated DA probes by conjugating GFP fluorescent protein and an enzyme monoamine oxidase B (MAO B), which can catalyze dopamine oxidation via its co-factor FAD. The redox reaction of FAD could switch GFP fluorescence upon detecting dopamine release from dopaminergic neurons in which we coined as the shield effect. We are currently using this probe to study of how brain processes information in dopamine circuits in both healthy or diseased conditions.


多巴胺為一種單胺類神經傳導物質,負責調控許多運動與認知等功能。因此多巴胺的恆常是神經系統運作的重要核心之一。為了探索多巴胺神經的迴路,我們致力於發展一個能夠觀測果蠅大腦多巴胺神經迴路的探針。我們所開發的探針是以代謝多巴胺的人類單胺氧化酶 B (MAO B)為主體並結合綠色螢光蛋白 (GFP)。氧化態MAO B之輔酶FAD能夠吸收488奈米的激發光,造成GFP無法被激發產生螢光,我們稱此現象為「屏蔽效應」。當探針偵測到多巴胺時,由於FAD的還原而失去遮蔽效應,致使GFP能成功被激發,釋放綠色螢光。多巴胺探針的開發可以幫助我們進行神經迴路的分析以及神經退化性疾病的研究,未來也能應用在臨床的診斷。

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